After 5 Years I'm Trying To Write Sound Synthesis Programs Again

There's a story behind all this.

It was originally just a tuning theory learning trip

One day for some reasons I was looking for microtonal music online. The first time I listened to anything microtonal I was like "this is fine but weirdly wrong", but at that day I found a visualization video of Easley Blackwood's 15-TET etude and was immediately hooked. The whole thing is very exotic, the initial chords have a very uncanny feel (especially when they gradually gets louder in the first half), and the second half lifts the whole mood into a major-but-really-not-quite area. It's unlike anything I've heard, and it's really cool.

From what I've read online, 15-TET, unlike 19-TET and 22-TET [1], really isn't that close to the 12-TET system everybody's using in terms of musical languages, and that's probably why it sounds so jarring[2]; and then I listened to his 17-TET etude - it just sounds like it's a soundtrack for a game! If I can somehow mix different tuning systems into "normal" 12-TET music and have them work together nicely, then this would work like MSG; it's like putting in quintuplet swing, bringing in a subtle but different feeling for the listeners, making stuff that would otherwise be boring more interesting (for some people at least). It's always nice when you have more tools that you can use. So how can I use it and exactly what the heck is 5-limit? A lot of strange theory. Sure, I'll learn more theory, I'll learn all of 'em...


Making music with microtonal systems... or not

Now it's not like people weren't able to produce instruments using other tuning systems, but almost all music notation softwares have basically no regards of systems that are not 12-TET. There's plugins for MuseScore that can do xenharmonic stuff, but they only tune notes, and they're too much of a hassle for newbies like me. It would be cool if I could somehow build a program that would do all this in a newbie-friendly straight-forward way.

Update 2022.4.25: Nope, turns out this is actually pretty intuitive and I just didn't learn enough.

Generating sounds

Sound is basically air vibrations, which is fundamentally analog; we sample an analog signal to produce digital samples, so that we can work with them inside digital computers; and in order to produce analog signal from digital samples, we use an analog-digital converter. Now, in order to generate sound with software, we have to:

  1. somehow represents an analog signal.
  2. sample the signal to get samples.

That's it; the ADC is already inside your computer's sound card (it wasn't the case decades ago; but nowadays you can pretty much just assume it is).

What kind of sampling is sufficient for our need? According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, in order to correctly determine a signal with a highest frequency of fHz, we need to have a sampling rate of 2fHz. Human ears can hear sound between 20Hz to roughly 20kHz (when you grow older the higher end will be dropping to something like 16kHz~17kHz due to ears wearing out) so in order to sample any sound properly we need a sampling rate of at least 40kHz, the two most widely-used one is 44.1kHz and 48kHz. Sometimes you'll have to use lower sampling rate for reasons - technical restrictions (e.g. radio broadcasts), smaller file size, etc., but then the higher frequency info is going to lost. (Note that the bit rate in MP3 files is not the same as sampling rate due to MP3 is a compression algorithm.)

There's a Python library called wave distributed with the official distribution. Don't know why it got in there in the first place, but you can use to make .wav file.

A very basic demo, written in Python, is listed below:

import math
import wave

# default to 44.1kHz

# this function maps any value in [-1,1] to integers in [-32768, 32767]
# PRE: v_pm1 \in [-1, 1]
def mapper_16bit_signed(v_pm1: float) -> int:
    return (v_pm1 + 1) / 2 * 65535 - 32768

def sine(freq_hz: float, amp_01: float, phase: float):
    def res(t_s: float):
        return amp_01 * math.sin(2*math.pi*freq_hz*t_s+phase)
    return res

# the sine wave formula is: y(t) = A*sin(2*PI*f*t + phi)
# where:
#     t would be the time in seconds.
#     A is the amplitude; y(t) will inside the interval of [-A, A].
#     f is the frequency.
#     phi is the initial angle in radians; 2*PI equals to 360 degree.

def sample(f, sample_rate_hz: int, time_s: float):
    s = []
    t = 0
    sample_length = sample_rate_hz * time_s
    i = 0
    while i < sample_length:
        ss = mapper_16bit_signed(f(t))
        # the lower byte first - little endian.
        s.append(bytes([ss&0xff, (ss&0xff00)>>8]))
        # we increase `t` by 1/sample_rate_hz so when it reaches 1 it would be exactly `sample_rate_hz` samples.
        t += 1/sample_rate_hz
        i += 1
    return b''.join(s)

# 440Hz: A
test_f = sine(440, 0.5, 0)
v = sample(test_f, SAMPLE_RATE, 1.5)

output_file ='test.wav', 'wb')
# a "sample width" of 2: 2-bytes, 16-bit
# generate mono wave file.

Sometimes I don't understand the so-called "software engineers" in this country. I've done almost exactly the same thing as above 5 years ago, but when I wrote the blog post (which I've deleted a long time ago) for this I got called a stupid scamming crackpot by someone in one of those so-called "community" for not knowing wavelet transform. 4 years later this happened with no mention of any kind of "transform" anywhere, and when that post got posted in that "community", nobody complained a goddamn thing. I agree that I've done way too little compared to that blogpost and I definitely do not know how wavelet transform works or how that can be applied to what I want to do, but here's the thing: if something's really important for my intent, then I'm definitely willing to learn; and if I did something wrong or had the wrong idea, you could just tell me directly - what the hell is that crackpot accusation??

Calculate frequencies for equal temperaments

In a n-tone equal temperaments, one starts from the first note, multiplies a ratio and gets the second note, multiplies that ratio on the second note and get the third note, etc., until he gets to the nth note whose frequency is twice of the frequency of the first note; so for n-TET, the ratio r would need to satisfy the equation r^n = 2, from which we can derive r = 2^(1/n) (r has to be bigger than 1 for obvious reasons).

From that we can have this function:

def mk_tet(base: float, n: int):
    res = []
    for i in range(n):
        res.append(math.pow(2, i/n) * base)
    return res

This will return a list of frequencies which corresponds to n-TET starting from the frequency base.

We can construct the frequencies of A minor from here:

a_chromatic = mk_tet(440, 12)
a_chromatic_lower = mk_tet(220, 12)
a_minor = [
    a_chromatic_lower[0],   # A (lower octave)
    a_chromatic_lower[2],   # B (lower octave)
    a_chromatic_lower[3],   # C (lower octave)
    a_chromatic_lower[5],   # D (lower octave)
    a_chromatic_lower[7],   # E (lower octave)
    a_chromatic_lower[8],   # F (lower octave)
    a_chromatic_lower[10],  # G (lower octave)
    a_chromatic[0],   # A
    a_chromatic[2],   # B
    a_chromatic[3],   # C
    a_chromatic[5],   # D
    a_chromatic[7],   # E
    a_chromatic[8],   # F
    a_chromatic[10],  # G

Now I'll generate a little tune with it. Before that there's one more problem to solve: the length of each note is (in the most case) not measured in exact seconds on sheet music; we have to calculate it from the tempo marker and the note values. There are two sorts of common tempo marking: one kind only consist a description, like "Lento" (meaning "slow" in Italian, a slowtempo), "Allegro" (meaning "cheerful" in Italian, a fast tempo) and "Vivace" (meaning "lively" in Italian, a tempo faster than allegro); the other kind is of the form of "[a certain note value] = [a number]", meaning "a beat consists of a [the note value] note, and there's [the number] beats in a minute". A very common tempo is "quarter note = 120", which means with this tempo a quarter note is 60/120 = 0.5 seconds long, an eighth note 0.25 seconds, a half note 1 second, etc.

From all that we have the following code:

a_minor_sine = [sine(i, 0.5, 0) for i in a_minor]
# speed: quarter note = 120
sample_list = [
    sample(a_minor_sine[7], 44100, 0.25),
    sample(a_minor_sine[8], 44100, 0.25),
    sample(a_minor_sine[9], 44100, 0.25),
    sample(a_minor_sine[10], 44100, 0.25),
    sample(a_minor_sine[8], 44100, 0.5),
    sample(a_minor_sine[6], 44100, 0.25),
    sample(a_minor_sine[7], 44100, 0.75),

output_file ='test.wav', 'wb')
for s in sample_list:

One way to generate chords is to add the signals together. Note that different notes that rings together would require a cut on their amplitude, so that when added together it'll still have the same maximum amplitude; this will not affect the pitch, because pitch is determined by frequency:

a_chromatic = mk_tet(440, 12)
a_chromatic_lower = mk_tet(220, 12)
a_chromatic_lower2 = mk_tet(110, 12)
a_chromatic_higher = mk_tet(880, 12)
a_chromatic_higher2 = mk_tet(880*2, 12)

a_chromatic_sine = [sine(i, 0.1, 0) for i in (
    a_chromatic_lower2 +
    a_chromatic_lower +
    a_chromatic +
    a_chromatic_higher +

def mk_chord(f_list):
    l = len(f_list)
    def res(t_s: float):
        return sum([i(t_s)/l for i in f_list])
    return res

# Bmin7-E7-AM7-DM7
# speed: quarter note = 90
sample_list = [
        # Bmin7(no5): B D (F#) A
            a_chromatic_sine[0*12+2],  # B(lower)
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+2],  # B
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+5],  # D
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+12], # A
        60/90 * 2,
        # E7(no5): E G# (B) D
            a_chromatic_sine[0*12+7],  # E(lower)
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+7],  # E
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+5],  # D
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+11], # G#
        60/90 * 2,
        # AM7(no5): A C# (E) G#
            a_chromatic_sine[0*12+0],  # A(lower)
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+0],  # A
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+4],  # C#
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+11], # G#
        60/90 * 2,
        # DM7(no5): D F# (A) C#
            a_chromatic_sine[0*12+5],  # D(lower)
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+5],  # D
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+4],  # C#
            a_chromatic_sine[1*12+9],  # F#
        60/90 * 2,

output_file ='test.wav', 'wb')
for s in sample_list:


Then again, the code above is not a good way to model signals & sampling & stuff. There's a few reasons to this. I was trying to implement ADSR envelope while writing this blog post, and I've met quite a few problems. An ADSR envelope is defined by the following parameters:

There are other parameters as well in some synthesizers and digital audio workstations, but these are the most basic; notice the pressed and the released, that means instead of being a parameter for the function sample, time_s is controlled by something else. You might say this is controlled by note value, we can model it using a sequence of notes, something like this:

class Note:
    name: str
    freq: float
    value: float  # 1/2 for half note, 1/4 for quarter note, etc.

# ...

def sample(f, note_list: list[Note]):
    # ...
    some_adsr = ADSR(**some_adsr_params)
    for note in note_list:
        f(some_adsr, note)

But no, that's not a good idea, because:

A better idea is to follow MIDI:

And we do something like this:

# ...
res = []
channel_list_len = len(channel_list)
t = 0
i = 0
while any((not chnl.no_more_event()) for chnl in channel_list):
    s = 0
    for chnl in channel_list:
        e = chnl.event[0]
        if e.time <= t:
        # NOTE: this part uses the same principle of sampling chords
        s += (1/channel_list_len) * sample_channel_current_value(chnl, t)
    t += 1/sample_rate_hz
# ...

...or at least that's the way I'm gonna do. There probably are better ways, I just can't think of any right now.

Now, how do we design the type of chnl? We can have the following idea:

From all that we now have the new version:

import enum
import wave
import math
import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable

# PRE: v_pm1 \in [-1, 1]
def mapper_16bit_signed(v_pm1: float) -> int:
    return (v_pm1 + 1) / 2 * 65535 - 32768

class ChannelEventKind(enum.Enum):
    NOTE_ON = 1
    NOTE_OFF = 2

class ChannelEvent:
    kind: ChannelEventKind
    abs_t: float
    freq: float

class ADSR(Callable):
    attack_ms: float
    decay_ms: float
    sustain_01: float
    release_ms: float

    def __call__(self, e: ChannelEvent, dt: float, raw: float):
        if e.kind is ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON:
            # attack stage: scale between [0, 1]
            if dt < self.attack_ms/1000:
                return raw*(dt/(self.attack_ms/1000))
            # decay stage: scale between [1, self.adsr.sustain_01]
            elif dt - self.attack_ms/1000 < self.decay_ms/1000:
                dt = dt - self.attack_ms/1000
                a = 1 - dt / (self.decay_ms/1000)
                b = a * (1-self.sustain_01) + self.sustain_01
                return raw * b
            # sustain stage
                return raw * self.sustain_01
        elif e.kind is ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF:
            # release stage: scale between [self.adsr.sustain_01, 0]
            if dt < self.release_ms/1000:
                a = 1 - dt / (self.release_ms/1000)
                return raw * a * self.sustain_01
                return None

class ChannelState(enum.Enum):
    ON = 1
    OFF = 2

def sine(freq_hz: float, time_s: float):
    return math.sin(2*math.pi*freq_hz*time_s)

class Channel:
    adsr: ADSR
    osc: Callable[[float, float], float] = sine
    current_sounding_freq: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
    current_amp_01: float = 1

    def sample(self, abs_t_s: float) -> float:
        # NOTE: the reason why i do this will be explained later.
        current_sounding_freq_len = len([i for i in self.current_sounding_freq.values() if i.kind is ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON])
        # current_sounding_freq_len = len(self.current_sounding_freq)
        if current_sounding_freq_len <= 0: return 0
        raw_note_factor = 1/current_sounding_freq_len
        raw_res = 0
        delete_freq = []
        for i in self.current_sounding_freq:
            e = self.current_sounding_freq[i]
            dt = abs_t_s - e.abs_t
            this_raw = self.osc(i, abs_t_s)

            adsr_res = self.adsr(e, dt, this_raw)
            if adsr_res is None:
                raw_res += raw_note_factor * adsr_res
        for i in delete_freq:
            del self.current_sounding_freq[i]
        return raw_res * self.current_amp_01

    def handle_event(self, e: ChannelEvent):
        self.current_sounding_freq[e.freq] = e

def synthesize(sample_rate_hz: int, channel_list: list[Channel], channel_event_list: list[list[ChannelEvent]]):
    res = []
    channel_list_len = len(channel_list)
    t = 0
    i = 0
    channel_event_list_copy = [i[::1] for i in channel_event_list]
    while any(channel_event_list_copy):
        s = 0
        for i in range(min(len(channel_event_list_copy), len(channel_list))):
            chnl = channel_list[i]
            evl = channel_event_list_copy[i]
            # NOTE: it would be nice if you can push a value into a list from the *left*
            # hand side like `Array.prototype.unshift` in JavaScript. we don't have that
            # in Python, so I used the right hand side instead. the event list in the
            # demo section is reversed accordingly.
            e = evl[-1]
            while evl and e.abs_t <= t:
                if not evl: break
                e = evl[-1]
            s += (1/channel_list_len)*chnl.sample(t)
        rs = int(mapper_16bit_signed(s))
        t += 1/sample_rate_hz
    return bytes(res)

def mk_tet(base: float, n: int):
    res = []
    for i in range(n):
        res.append(math.pow(2, i/n) * base)
    return res

a_chromatic = (
    mk_tet(110, 12)
    + mk_tet(220, 12)
    + mk_tet(440, 12)
    + mk_tet(880, 12)
    + mk_tet(880*2, 12)

# demo section.

DEFAULT_ADSR = ADSR(attack_ms=200, decay_ms=100, sustain_01=0.8, release_ms=300)
    Channel(adsr=DEFAULT_ADSR, current_amp_01=0.7),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 0, a_chromatic[0*12+2]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 0, a_chromatic[1*12+2]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 0, a_chromatic[1*12+5]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 0, a_chromatic[1*12+12]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2, a_chromatic[0*12+2]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2, a_chromatic[1*12+2]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2, a_chromatic[1*12+5]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2, a_chromatic[1*12+12]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2, a_chromatic[0*12+7]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2, a_chromatic[1*12+7]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2, a_chromatic[1*12+5]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2, a_chromatic[1*12+11]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*2, a_chromatic[0*12+7]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*2, a_chromatic[1*12+7]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*2, a_chromatic[1*12+5]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*2, a_chromatic[1*12+11]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2*2, a_chromatic[0*12+0]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2*2, a_chromatic[1*12+0]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2*2, a_chromatic[1*12+4]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2*2, a_chromatic[1*12+11]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*3, a_chromatic[0*12+0]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*3, a_chromatic[1*12+0]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*3, a_chromatic[1*12+4]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*3, a_chromatic[1*12+11]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2*3, a_chromatic[0*12+5]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2*3, a_chromatic[1*12+5]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2*3, a_chromatic[1*12+4]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON, 60/90*2*3, a_chromatic[1*12+9]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*4, a_chromatic[0*12+5]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*4, a_chromatic[1*12+5]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*4, a_chromatic[1*12+4]),
        ChannelEvent(ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF, 60/90*2*4, a_chromatic[1*12+9]),

output_file ='test.wav', 'wb')
s = synthesize(44100, CHANNEL_LIST, CHANNEL_EVENT_LIST)

A more sophisticated envelope

I would like to add two parameters to the basic ADSR:

When the hold time is 0 and sustain time is positive infinity, it works in the same way as the basic ADSR envelope.

class ADSR(Callable):
    attack_ms: float
    decay_ms: float
    sustain_01: float
    release_ms: float
    hold_ms: float = 0
    sustain_ms: float = float('inf')

    def __call__(self, e: ChannelEvent, dt: float, raw: float):
        attack_s = self.attack_ms/1000
        hold_s = self.hold_ms/1000
        decay_s = self.decay_ms/1000
        if e.kind is ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON:
            # attack stage: scale between [0, 1]
            if dt < attack_s:
                return raw*(dt/attack_s)
            # hold stage: keep at 1
            elif dt - attack_s < hold_s:
                return raw
            # decay stage: scale between [1, self.adsr.sustain_01]
            elif dt - attack_s - hold_s < decay_s:
                dt = dt - attack_s - hold_s
                a = 1 - dt / decay_s
                b = a * (1-self.sustain_01) + self.sustain_01
                return raw * b
            # sustain stage
                dt = dt - attack_s - hold_s - decay_s
                if dt < self.sustain_ms/1000:
                    return raw * self.sustain_01
                    # release stage: scale between [self.sustain_01, 0]
                    dt = dt - self.sustain_ms/1000
                    if dt < self.release_ms/1000:
                        a = 1 - dt / (self.release_ms/1000)
                        return raw * a * self.sustain_01
                        return None
        elif e.kind is ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF:
            # release stage: scale between [self.adsr.sustain_01, 0]
            if dt < self.release_ms/1000:
                a = 1 - dt / (self.release_ms/1000)
                return raw * a * self.sustain_01
                return None

We need to modify the class Channel as well: when a note is already "done playing", the NOTE_OFF message should have no effect.

# in class Channel

    # ...
    def handle_event(self, e: ChannelEvent):
        if (e.kind is ChannelEventKind.NOTE_OFF
                and self.current_sounding_freq.get(e.freq) is None):
        self.current_sounding_freq[e.freq] = e

Other kinds of oscillators

Currently we only have sine wave, which is pretty boring. We'll add a few more:

import math
import random

def square(freq_hz: float, time_s: float):
    cycle = time_s/(1/freq_hz)
    cycle_off = cycle - math.floor(cycle)
    return -1 if cycle_off >= 0.5 else 1

def triangle(freq_hz: float, time_s: float):
    cycle = time_s*freq_hz
    cycle_off = cycle - math.floor(cycle)
    return (
        # [0, 0.25] map to [0, 1]
        cycle_off*4 if cycle_off <= 0.25
        # [0.25, 0.75] map to [1, -1]
        # -0.5: [-0.25, 0.25]
        # neg: [0.25, -0.25]
        # *4: [1, -1]
        else (cycle_off-0.5)*-4 if cycle_off <= 0.75
        # [0.75, 1] map to [-1, 0]
        # 1-: [0.25, 0]
        # neg: [-0.25, 0]
        # *4: [-1, 0]
        else (1-cycle_off)*-4

def sawtooth_rising(freq_hz: float, time_s: float):
    cycle = time_s*freq_hz
    cycle_off = cycle - math.floor(cycle)
    return cycle_off*2-1
def sawtooth_falling(freq_hz: float, time_s: float):
    cycle = time_s*freq_hz
    cycle_off = cycle - math.floor(cycle)
    return (1-cycle_off)*2-1

def noise(freq_hz: float, time_s: float):
    # NOTE: we don't use `freq_hz` or `time_s` here because it's just noise
    return random.random()*2-1

Combining the voices, revisited

In the code above I wrote:

class Channel:
    # ...
    def sample(self, abs_t_s: float) -> float:
        # NOTE: the reason why i do this will be explained later.
        current_sounding_freq_len = len([i for i in self.current_sounding_freq.values() if i.kind is ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON])
        # current_sounding_freq_len = len(self.current_sounding_freq)

I was adding and testing out new kinds of oscillators when this happened. replace the code above with this:

# ...
def sample(self, abs_t_s: float) -> float:
    # current_sounding_freq_len = len([i for i in self.current_sounding_freq.values() if i.kind is ChannelEventKind.NOTE_ON])
    current_sounding_freq_len = len(self.current_sounding_freq)

...and change the channel's oscillator to square wave:

    Channel(adsr=DEFAULT_ADSR, osc=square, current_amp_01=0.7),

The generated result, when opened in Audacity[5], looks like this:

You can see among the four red rectangles I draw, the wave in the last 3 does not have a correct shape; with the envelope setup, it should look like the one in the first rectangle.

The problem, I think, is in the way I handle sampling multiple voices at once. In the code of sample, I decided that raw_note_factor should have the value of 1/len(self.current_sounding_freq), which adds too much weight to the voices that's already released and adds too little weight to the voices that's still pressed. The idea I use to correct this is to first disregard the voices that's already released and only adds their value as an addendum afterwards (the code above only removes the notes after their release stage ended; those voices which is already NOTE_OFF but still in the release stage would still remain in self.current_sounding_freq). This is probably not the correct way, but at least it's more natural now:

Demo code

The code for this blog post can be found here. I'll add the "front-end" for all this later...

[1] Which Easley Blackwood had also used in his compositions, with videos made by the same guy, here and here respectively; you can notice that they sound just like normal western classical music but a little "out of tune".
[2] Not all 15-TET music sounds jarring though; Fifteen by Sevish sounds just as good as any "normal" electronic music. Its sound might come to you as "oriental" because according to the video's description it uses basically the same scale as Slendro from Indonesian gamelan music.
[3] Absolute fantastic use of Hammond organ. If you never listened to any black gospel music that uses Hammond organ, you should. One video of gospel organ in use that I really like is recorded in a COGIC worship service, when the big chords crashes in like curtains of blessings that washes over your entire being... while I am definitely not a Christian and not agreeing with COGIC's idea about a lot of stuff, you can't deny it's genuinely good music. I still come back to this video every now and then. Really good stuff. By the way Hammond organ allows you to modify the timbre of the instrument on the fly using the drawbars, which is very cool.
[4] Basically there are two ways to make a chord sounds big: double voicing and open position which theoretically does not add much tension, and upper extensions which adds extra tension. In the context of jazz you can actually uses any notes to a chord, but you have to handle it with extra care afterwards.
[5] I use DarkAudacity in the screenshot. I switched to DarkAudacity because there was a change in Audacity which makes it a possible spyware.