SRH Oberon: What and Why
Repository: 2024.7.22: New repository:
SRH Oberon is "Project Oberon RISC5 (not RISC-V) repurposed for portable software, software preserving and independent computing."
- The idea starts from how I blog. After I've completed Camus and camus-cli I switched from using org-mode w/ emacs. camus-cli uses GNU source-highlight to do syntax highlighting for source code which does not have a Windows build (and I'm too lazy to build one) so that I have to run it through cygwin. This (and the fact that it runs on nodejs) annoys the heck out of me.
- I was planning to make a toolset for writing lexers (and thus syntax highlighter so I can stop relying on GNU source-highlight) and parsers as well. The reason I haven't start working on it is that I really don't want to rewrite it in the future.
- "Just write everything in ANSI C!" you might exclaim. Yes, technically I could, but...
- ... if I want a full set of personal computing tools, I would really like to minimize the time to port them. A virtual machine + complied binary programs for that virtual machine reduces the work from porting many programs into just porting one.
- It's much more flexible and resilient to bit rot as well, and I don't have to read other people's code and documentations to coax other people's program to do things that I want to do! It's a wonderful feeling when everything is in your control, really.
Is it too much individualism?
Yes. But I probably have crossed the line of "too much individualism" for most people when I've decided I need a new markup language back in 2016 (most people just uses Hexo & stuff and still uses those till this day) so I might as well go all out.