The Sin of Words, Part 2
A problem I've observed over the years is that people argue with words instead of reality as if the words are truly what they're supposed to mean. Like for example, it should be painfully obvious already that the "vanguard party" Leninists used to boast about is nothing but an alias for oligarchy and has never truly been about being something that "leads the people"; they could go on denial mode, but when's the last time you've heard about any communist regime that didn't end up as an oligarchy?
A basic concept of auntology (if you don't know what auntology is, it refers to the thought and theory of Liu Zhongjing. Don't blame me for bad word coinage, I didn't come up with it) is 无产阶级资本家 (lit. "proletariat capitalist"). It's a word that sounds absurd only when taken at face value; anyone who have basic amount of understandings of the current Chinese society would tell you how accurate this is: capitalists are supposed to be able to protect their private properties, either through the government or by having their own security force (either by hiring 3rd-party or raising one themselves); the "capitalists" in China can do neither of these without attracting unwanted attentions and eventually invoking actions (read: oppression by violent forces) from the Chinese government; in this sense, the only difference between these so-called "capitalists" and normal plebeians like us is that they have more money so that they can send their children somewhere free of authoritarian rule more easily, it couldn't be more accurate to call them proletariat; but whenever you take this word to the front of the group of people that "has read more theory" and is thus supposed to be smarter and more understanding they dismiss you as a joke for the most stupidest reason of "How could a capitalist be a prole? It doesn't make sense!", as if the world somehow do indeed follow whatever rules the word they air into the public with their mouth made up of.
And for (probably masturbatory) reasons they somehow call this "critical thinking" as well - bullshit. All the conclusions they've reached their way has never been correct when checked against the real world; if one were to follow the same logic, one would have to call North Korea a democratic republic despite all the defectors from NK up to date says otherwise; hell, if we should believe things as whatever labels they tag themselves with, we would have to call the Nazi party socialist, which ironically is something their socialist forerunners have gleefully done in the past and their contemporary counterpart rejected only because it started to look bad to do so after World War 2; it's just as absurd as believing that the Kim family never had any private property and is as poor as everyone else just because all their stuff are nominally shared property of the Korean Workers' Party.
Last update: 2024.11.2