About that one wizard game

the fact that (some people from) the trans community couldn't make a dent on rowling & the harry potter franchise and have to regress into cyber-bullying people who just want to play the game somehow became one of the many consequences of current trans activism rowling was deeply concerned. i'm in no way supporting rowling (i don't even read harry potter) but it unmistakably shows none of these people know how to play politics properly and will only hinder the overall progress for trans rights.
if you want trans representation in any field, make good content with good trans rep in them, don't stop other people from creating and enjoying content. you don't have the right to do that. it's the same with black cosplayers cosplaying non-black characters. write more good stories with good black characters in it, don't just do nothing and whine about people being racists when the thing they want to see is their favourite character in real life instead of you merely wearing the costume.
i wholeheartedly support trans right but zamn those alphabet mafia... those fucking alphabet mafia...
like, there's so many bad things going on in this world but please go ahead and tell everybody why your opinions about your genitals are the most important issue right now and how that gives you absolutely every right to cyberbully anyone who has slightly different stances than yours.
The transgender community (the most vocal part of it) has been an annoying bunch for years, that much is for sure; the thing about these "activists" or "minority" groups is that there's always one part of people out there doing all the nasty things, one part of people trying to cover up for them and claim it's a right-wing transphobe psyop (somehow it's always fucking right-wing psyop, as if anyone would fucking buy into this after all the things that had happened), and one part of people earning victimhood for the whole family with "oh you can't just generalize it's only a small percentage"; this is the exact same pattern as BLM with some black people committing actual crimes and some other black people doing nothing about it (and possibly secretly enjoying it). If there's anything about this is psyop, this pattern here is the real psyop.

As I have said, this is not how you play politics; this is being annoying adult-child. The moment people realize all the things you did amount to no good is the moment when people are going to ask for payback for all the lateral damages - all the people that you could've converted into allies but rejected because you people always want extra. All in all:
You have officially spent all your welcome, faggots.