My last one year and a half

I'm never going to complete this before my birthday in June if I decide to write it in one sitting so I'll write down things as I go.
...was what I'm going to say. Now my birthday is only tomorrow I have to be quick, so here's a summary:
For other stuff I had enough time to write down in details and they're here:

Finding out that I am asexual

That explains a lot of things... For the longest time I was:
Welp, at least that's much more comfortable tag to have than "being mentally challenged enough to not consider sexual things sexual".

Atheist to Wiccan to Deist

To be honest, up till now I still have zero spiritual experience, so I can't speak about that part. I don't know what's the correct way to describe this but this is how I see things currently:
The asexuality thing was the first that came to mind as a sign; and once you believe that it was indeed a sign, you start seeing signs everywhere: my early interests in theology was a sign, my way-too-early interests in philosophy was a sign, the cross in my palm was a sign, I came across the majorly Christian right-wing reactionary separatist movement mentioned above which can also be a sign (?)... I do believe (or I would really like to believe) there's ultimate salvation behind all this; I just need to find out what's the next obstacle and who He truly is.
I was a self-proclaimed half-Wiccan for a while before turning to deism. For some reasons the notion of believing there's two Gods does not sit right with me.
(I call myself a deist only because it's the closest word to describe what I currently think about religions and spirituality; I believe in signs so I guess God does somewhat intervene this world after all. I still have a lot to learn on this topic.)
But, one God or multiple? Male or female?
One. One that manifests as a single God and multiple Gods at the same time. I don't believe that God has a sex or a gender; to believe that God has to fit into such worldly categories feels blasphemous to me.

RRC 2023.6.1