Stargaze Lisp, Part One. (And other things on language design)

It feels weird to say that you love programming language design but not having your own LISP dialect (because everyone needs one, right?)

On Stargaze and the possible form of Basis Nova

I've briefly talked about this in a previous blog post; while Stargaze definitely satisfies the requirement of "somewhere in-between Lispkit Lisp and Scheme with a proper module system", by the end of what I deemed a plausible first public version, the whole code base is like 2000+ lines written over the course of 4 days, which would still take much effort if I were to rewrite it to C and port it to somewhere else.

On TRAC and Flowmark

TRAC is not a failure in terms of design, but Flowmark is. The fate of Flowmark was sealed when I decided that forward-reading should be one of the core features of Flowmark. I never finished it, because the way I defined it was incompatible with the TRAC-like algorithm Flowmark use to parse & evaluate things. The fact that I spent more than half a month to rewrite it in Racket and fuse it with a custom rudimentary document typesetting thing and not having the thing working correctly is just the cherry on top. Things like this is why I don't have a good-looking GitHub portfolio - lots of things I did never came to fruition.

On Language One

Language One (temporary name) is an experiment of forcing everything to have an arity so that a lot of parentheses are not needed. I'm not sure if this is a good tradeoff. It could be a good candidate for writing b-programs, I suppose.

On Camus 2 and the future of Camus

To make the decision of rewriting Camus in Nim is fatal. This is not how you do it; I should've sticked with JavaScript.

The future plan for Camus would be as follows:

  • Implement full Camus 2 in JavaScript;
  • Make a LSP server for it (so that I could have the incentive to use it over org-mode);
  • Rewrite it to Python/Golang/Rust/Ruby. I suppose these four languages (together with JavaScript) is the most basic languages you have to write a library for if you want to push a new markup language in this day and age.


Last update: 2024.8.24