Addicted to Anger

This is a follow up of a certain article.
That certain article.

People can be addicted to anger. I don't have the scientific reason behind this, but from my observation over the years people can sometimes be addicted to being angry. It makes sense when you think about it. It's cathartic, it makes you feel good after the energy dissipated, but in the end it contributed to nothing good and achieved nothing; this is why now I have disdain towards this kind of self-indulgence.

Let me tell you one of my own stories. Back in 2010 (when I was 10) there was this browser game a good part of which was supposed to be plagiarizing Pokemon and there was a whole group of people (a lot of people, in hundreds probably) hating on this one game for this. I'm not a Pokemon fan (I thought the anime was mediocre at best and I hate grinding) but I started not liking China even back then (the game in question do be a Chinese game from a Chinese company) so I joined in the fun. I remembered my dad (we were still on good terms) telling me "son you arguing with people online? Geez, do something better, stop wasting your time." It was, indeed, a waste of time, and I regret not making better use of my time back then. Next time when you're about to argue with another person online, remember that asshole could very well be a ten-year-old who don't know a thing. The thought of this might just save you some time that you might waste on nothing.

It happens to everyone all the time, I think. I'm not saying that you shouldn't vent at all (sometimes keeping it in is bad for your mental health), it's just that I have this primal fear for anything that could bring you a sense of ecstasy. Be extra careful next time; when you're lashing your anger on other people you probably won't have enough spare brain power to question yourself if you're really an ally of justice or you're just addicted.
