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category: auntology, politics

The word "auntology" (cn-trad. 阿姨學 or 姨學, lit. "auntie's theory") refers to the political philosophy of Liu Zhongjing. Liu, a self-proclaimed Machiavellianist, sometimes (for whatever reasons) refers himself as "auntie" (which should definitely not be seen as a sign of transgenderism), thus the combination of "auntie" and the postfix "-ology" for "theory" and "study".

A few commonly discussed ideas of (or within the discussion of) auntology
(that I as a filthy left-leaning anarcho-individualist know of)

Some ideas discussed by similarily-minded people
(but not necessarily a part of auntology)


Some people after learning a bit of this be like "All Shina people should die", which understandably angered a lot of other people and make them reject Liu's theory entirely without looking into it. While after two thousand years under Qin system the "Chinese" group certainly has become lesser-human, mindlessly believing we should just all die without even trying to come up with a solution to this situation is also considered to be a sign of being lesser-human, and is thus not the ideology of Liu's more "sane" followers.

from me myself:

很多人曾经都对刘仲敬有过误解。无论是看了几眼后堕落成只会喊「屠光支那人」的魔怔“右派”的街边老鼠人,还是看了几眼这些魔怔人就把刘的学说整个地归在“右派”(whatever that means)的范畴里发明各种侮辱性词汇来作批判的cosplay的魔怔左派,本质上都是没法认清自己地位的中国人在虚造出来的文字泥潭里打滚,无论是对别人还是对自己都毫无用处;这些人的“批评”无论是对刘本人还是对广大的一般通过正常人类而言,就算只是不小心看到一眼都是吃亏的。先不论当今的左右之分是不是左派理论失败后用来挽回自己面子的借口(就像大陆的中华田园马列左在强行把带有左派特征的法西斯发明成极右的同时却又鼓捣Nazbol一样),左人从没有意识到威权左跟威权右实属一丘之貉并把身边的马列主义者尽数赶出去的时间点开始就已经输得十分彻底了,再叫论敌读十个图书馆的理论恐怕都不能挽回彻底失败的血腥事实(毕竟大部分左人大抵都是在作读经的cosplay;至于读到的经还能产生什么后果,作为只会把理论当作婴幼儿玩具来玩的沦陷区内的菜人预备役或是滞留国外的排华对象预备役,大概是从来都没有想过的);所以认为自己已经超脱无聊的左右之争的铁杆中间派Post-Left安那其人,反而更需要看跟贵国理论家的左左右右毫无关系的姨学。我曾经见过因为香港人起点高而断定香港人该死的马克思人(人家有英美秩序输入,起点自然要比只能靠苏联的贵国高一点,有什么好稀奇的?);这种抑郁小姐抑郁少爷理论家要是订的外卖晚到了五分钟大概都会对无产到不能再无产的外卖小哥发脾气,倘若身处沦陷区,怕是连拒绝做核酸都不敢,更加不配跟直接与匪警对峙硬扛催泪弹和气枪子弹的香港民族比革命的勇气和胆量……这种垃圾能做沦陷区安人非法刊物的“主编”,只能说明安人组织在沦陷区早已瓦房店化到无足轻重的地步了。在不久的未来,左派中的垃圾理论家在任何一个组织都只会成为负资产,从此被所有正常人类抛弃,成功走向在各国的文明保卫战争中成为清除对象、甚或成为菜人的万劫不复的命运……